Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Balancing my book (8/12/06)

The Cost of Iraq War calculator is set to reach $318.5 billion September 30, 2006, the end of fiscal year 2006. That is according to a tab prepared by the National Priorities Project (NPP), a nonpartisan and nonprofit, 501(c)3 organization, This is a conservative amount, some notable economists are quoting numbers in the trillions. The lower figures can be explained easily since NPP does not include all costs associated with the war, for instance, spending only includes incremental cost which is to say that normal expenses such as soldier's pay are not included, but combat pay is. Additionally, future costs for medical care for those returning soldiers are not included in the tally, neither is the cost of human life - the war has led to the deaths of 2,601 American soldiers, an average of 2 soldiers a day (according to Over 19000 American soldiers were wounded. Notice I say "American", none of these figures include coalition forces and civilian casualties.

The president and his political allies are telling us, the American people, that we are much safer now than we were before - presumably when he was not in charge - because his administration is tough on terrorism. He is telling us - at the very least insinuating - that the whole world hate Americans, because they are envious of our freedom and religious rights. He is asking the American families to sacrifice their sons and daughters to fight those evil societies, cultures - lately, called Islamic Fascist - so that the world could learn to live in peace and enjoy democracy - that is, democracy American style. One should not question his intentions, lest one should be branded a traitor, an enemy combatant (Purgatory, the real Hell, where you get put in torture and forgotten).

I have been known to be stupid and stubborn, so I will risk a little trip to Purgatory and I will ask, Mr. President:
1) Why are we fighting the Iraqis and not the terrorist? I noticed that the Pakistan and the British Police who thwarted the alleged plot to blow a number or civilian planes by terrorist did not involve American help. I noticed that none of the accused are neither descendants, nor citizens of Iraq.
2) How have you been tough in terrorism? I notice that you fought a war to bring down a tyrant but powerless dictator, a man that had being contained and that presided over a military equipped with obsolete arms, ill-trained troops with dissatisfaction in their ranks and a lot of absenteeism. According to most of your Generals in the fields, the Iraqis were not a formidable force, rather they were a decaying force. Worst of all a man that had nothing to do with the 9/11 attack, that man is still at large - do you remember him? Bin Laden? But let me be fair, Mr. President, I congratulated you, Hussein's payments to families of suicide bombers in Israel has come to an end.
3) What makes you think we are safer? Does the British and Pakistan police gives you a sense of security for the American people and do you feel compelled to take credit for their good work? Forgive me for not remembering, you did capture that Puerto Rican guy, what was his name? Padilla? Whatever happened to him?. I am sorry for the sarcasm, I know you have done a lot to protect us. Why, I can go to an airport and safely assume that all travelers not only have clean underwear but that they would not be able to bring those odious perfumes and after shave smells I really detest. Your diplomacy has been exemplary. The groping of Chancellor Angela Merkel was priceless, I am sure those GERM-an people loved it. Your way of educating people is outstanding, how else would the Muslim world would have know that they were Islamic Fascist.
4) What would all that money spent in the Iraq war would have bought us in terms of real security if we had used it to strength our ports and borders? I would think, at the very least, a little less inconvenience and a real sense of security. Don't you think so?


Blogger Jim Chandler said...

According to my Uncle Donald, you lack the courage to fight terrorism. I really hope you will change your mind and support Bush and the Iraq War - don't forget, the terrorists are watching us, and we don't want to appear weak.

Oh yeah, and Uncle Donald also says that the problem with Iraq is not the money, or the casualties, or the unmitigated f@#$ing mess we've created there, it is the liberal media. The Iraq War would be so much better if the western media would pay less attention to issues like Abu Ghraib (and Haditha and Hamdaniya and Mahmoudiya and, well, all the other clusterf#$%s) and more attention to, say, Sgt. 1st Class Paul Ray Smith, who received the Medal of Honor.

I think my Uncle Donald is a War Hero.

11:51 AM  

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